Mechanics verses craft.
So I just put down one indie book and picked up another, and both have disappointed me, but in different ways. Last week, I made a list of all the […]
What kind of writer am I?
I have no idea if this is a good question or a self-defeating question, but I’m intrigued by it. About a year ago — maybe a little more now — […]
First person or third?
It seems to me that most characters let you know which way you should write them — from their own perspective, or from a perspective outside. Perspective usually flows naturally. […]
Business plan.
A friend of mine who is a lawyer opened her own practice a few years ago. It took her a few years, some real effort, and some sacrifices, but it’s […]
Freaking out on the internet.
Probably a bad idea. I’ve done it here a couple of times, and I will probably do it again. Trying to move toward being a full-time artist is scary. I […]
More procrastination.
So I haven’t been here in a while — sorry! I finished up my final edits on “In the Dark,” and while I’m waiting for my beta readers to get […]
I’m lucky to live near the Loft!
I haven’t had a chance to visit the Loft Writers’ Collective lately, but I’ve been several times and it’s an awesome place. One of my very favorite workshops I ever […]
The power of the written word.
Cuz they are. More powerful than the spoken word, in my experience. I am curious why this should be so. For example, when someone says “Oh, god,” out loud, you […]
Book cover done! (Now to finish the book!)
So here is the finished product! My brother-in-law is quite talented. I shouldn’t have worried. So now I just have to edit the thing again, get back critiques from my […]
Writing a sex scene.
Ahem. Hm. Blush. So my current novel has only one almost-sex scene in it, a scene that is rudely interrupted by an action sequence. I read somewhere once that in […]
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